Reopening Dental Service

Reopening Dental Service

We are gradually re-opening our services for some appointments from 8th of June, we will be on a phased return.

Our priority will be to keep patients and our clinical teams safe we are following all of the latest guidance from Public Health England

  • Our Surgery will look different as they will be operating in a way that observes COVID-19 social distancing and infection control guidance
  • Our Clinical Staff will be wearing different protective equipment
  • The range of treatments you will be offered may be different to those that you received before – They will be delivered in line with current, national guidance
  • Our Service will return to normal depending on further guidelines from NHS England


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114 Ellesmere Rd,

Shrewsbury SY1 2QT, UK

01743 243026

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Opening Hours

Mon - Fri: 8:30 - 17:00

Appointment Booking